Garlic mustard is an invasive plant that is edible to humans but very toxic to certain endangered butterflies. It is also killing the plants that local songbirds, butterflies and hummingbirds depend upon to survive. The photo at left shows it in late April.
If you pick it when you walk your dog, you will be greatly helping local birds and wildlife!
Each plant you pull (and dispose of in a sealed trash bag) prevents thousands of new plants next year. It can make an enormous difference. The time to do this is before the end of June---at that point, the plant has gone to seed and you are better off leaving it until next year (so that you don't inadvertently spread seeds to uninfected areas).
Carry a trash bag with you on your walks. When you spot the plant, pull it gently as close to the root as possible. Throw it away in a sealed trash bag. Best practices are to first target areas where there are only a few plants---this helps prevent a small problem from becoming a big one!
The photo at left shows it just before it goes to seed.
Questions? Not sure if something is garlic mustard?
Text us at 617-510-5677.